About Us
Although we’ve been figuring out and doing this work since 2012, Pedal Power officially became a 501c-3 nonprofit in 2017, which has made it possible for all donations, grants, and funding to go directly into building bike fleets and teaching kids how to ride all over Minneapolis.
With help from other teachers, volunteers, community members, bike shops, advocacy groups, and some generous donors, Pedal Power was one of the first and is arguably the best school-based biking program around. Our Learn to Bike, Bike to Learn approach is both a program and a philosophy designed to promote physical activity and adventure through biking. Driven our own passion for cycling, founders Mark Trumper and Susan Tuck lead 4th and 5th grade classes and their teachers on weekly bike rides as a regular part of their school day.
Pedal Power uses their bike fleets as a vehicle for exploring the outdoors and to introduce biking to school-age children in underserved communities and across Minneapolis. In addition to learning how to ride, students explore science, history, art, and more as they navigate the abundant bike lanes, paths, and trails in their school neighborhood. Kids develop a strong connection with their community and build confidence, persistence, and grit along the way.

Learn more about how we got started
Minnesota Elementary School Adds Bikes
to the Curriculum
Peoples For Bikes
Ever wondered what would happen if you taught school kids from very diverse backgrounds to become skilled bike riders, then took them on rides all over the neighborhood as part of the curriculum? I had a chance to learn about Pillsbury elementary that added biking to the 4th grade curriculum. The focus is on kids learning through activity and adventure.
Guy On A Bike: Minneapolis Pillsbury’s Pedal Power
CBS Minnesota
Prior to meeting him, I had heard about Mark Trumper: A big man, full of intensity. I had previously pedaled past the column of bicycling pre-teens adorned in neon green hoodies while commuting to my home in northeast Minneapolis. But it wasn’t until I had the chance to ride with the fourth and fifth graders of Minneapolis Pillsbury’s cycling program that I really understood just how incredible Pedal Power is.
Pillsbury Elementary students get in the bike lane
Asian American Press
I had a chance to meet with some of the students from the Pedal Power program at Pillsbury Elementary, who made this 28-mile trek on their bikes from Minneapolis to Stillwater. Here it is, directly from the mouths of babes…